Leadership & Motivation

"When the best leader's work is done, the people say, We did it ourselves".

Leadership and Motivation

Course Overview

 As we move into the next decade of the  millennium the need for new skills for all of us is of paramount importance. The 90’s and 00’s were truly decades of continuous change that transformed both our work and private lives. The changes that rocked our Governments, companies and families were nothing short of revolutionary.

The fallout from this has been devastating, increased workloads with deceased resources; job insecurity and redundancy; negative equity and financial problems; relationship conflicts (home and work); loss of the “joy” of work (and sometimes life itself) and a general feeling of lack of control. Never before, in the history of industry, have leaders been so in demand.

Becoming a leader isn’t easy, just as being an accountant or artist isn’t, but everybody has the capacity. Everybody, at some time in his or her life can point to leadership experience, at work, home or in pleasure. In fact, the process of becoming a leader is much the same process of becoming an integrated human being.

But questions arise:

  • Are leaders born or made?
  • What do you need to know?
  • Are there differences between Managers and Leaders?
  • What kind of leadership style is appropriate?
  • Where do leaders get their power?
  • What skills, knowledge and attitudes do they need?
  • How do leaders motivate people (indeed can you actually motivate anybody else)?


 The course sets out to answer the questions posed above, more specifically, by the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Recognise the important difference between managers and leaders
  • Identify your own style of leadership and its impact on others
  • List the sources of leadership power
  • Identify the skills and attitudes that characterise the best team leaders
  • Understand and apply the philosophy of motivation


  •  Introductions and Objectives
  • Are Leaders Born or Made? Nature or Nurture?
  • Managers v Leaders
  • Leadership Styles
  • The Origins of Leadership Power
  • Developing Leadership Power
  • The Essentials of Leadership
  • Motivation - Understanding the Individual
  • Motivation - Understanding the Team
  • Motivation - Understanding the Task
  • Action Planning


2 days