
Alone I can do so little, together we can do so much. 

Teambuilding Proposal - Example

1      Mel Thomas & Associates - Background

Mel is an independent consultant in the field of Organisational, Management and Employee Development. His background is in Organisational Psychology and has over 30 years working in this field. He has extensive experience of working with Teams from all sectors, private, public, profit and not for profit and has assisted in developing these teams in their pursuit of excellence He has worked with a vast array of organisations including Lancashire Police, West Yorkshire Police, Greater Manchester Police, North Lincolnshire Council, Lancashire County Council, North West Employers Organisation, Wigan Council, Durham PCT, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, to name but a few. He is a Masters Graduate in Business Administration, a MA in Counselling Psychology, is a qualified Counsellor and one of the leading Mediators in the country.

2      Outline Specification

The attached programme is designed to meet the requirements of the Team following the analysis undertaken by Mel Thomas

3      Programme Outline

As we see it the role of the consultant is as Facilitator, not as expert, since we believe it is essential that the team and its members own both the process and the outcome so as to avoid dependency. However it is crucial that the facilitators recognize their responsibility to challenge within the process to avoid nepotism and complacency. See attached for Programme discussed with xxxx and xxxx

4      Added Value

As an experiences facilitator of over 30 years Mel wholeheartedly believes that techniques and approaches are developed “in house”. In that sense it is crucial and important that xxxx as the Manager of the section work with Mel in the delivery of the process. In addition we always leave materials for the team to use on a continuous basis to ensure that teambuilding is seen as a process and not an event. We also provide a telephone and e mail follow up facility for participants.

5. Programme

Stage 1 – Initial Meeting with Team to discuss terms of Reference and Issue of Building Blocks Questionnaire - completed

 Stage 2 – Interpretation of Questionnaires and Identification of key areas to address - completed

 Stage 3 – Teambuilding Event day to address outcomes and production of Action Plan

 Stage 4 -  Continuous Activities by team

 Stage 5 – Review and Evaluation – 6 months later


 Example – Teambuilding Proposal



 Following an initial analysis with the Team i have put together the following proposal for discussion

Team building is essentially a “process” of gathering relevant information, problem identification and action planning. Far too often it is seen as an event that will “fix” the group. Their perspective is analogous to giving a hungry man a fish so he will be able to eat for a day. I see team building as the process of teaching members how to fix it themselves. Their perspective - to teach the hungry man how to fish so he will have food for a lifetime. This is the basis for this intervention.


 The day will concentrate around the Business Plan since that is why the team exists. As such the objectives will include:


  • Establishing a common understanding of the Business Plan
  • Provide the opportunity for the Team as a whole to analyse its functioning, performance, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Establish behaviours for the Team to achieve its objectives
  • Develop a continuous process of team building

Questions to consider before attending

 Why does your team exist?

What are its prime outputs?

How do you measure your success?

What challenges do you see for the team?

 What challenges do you see for your team?

 What challenges do you see for you personally?

 What are the strengths of a) the Team? b) The Organisation?

 What do you perceive to be the weaknesses of the a) Team b) Organisation?

 What opportunities face the Team?

 What threats face it?

 What thoughts have you on how the Team should be organised and run?

 Do you feel that the roles and responsibilities of the Team are well structured or not?

 How well does the Team handle a) change b) conflict?

 What would make this team building session successful for you?

Delivery Style

 As I see it my role would be to facilitate the session by providing a structure for the questions above to be answered.
